Medical Information

Pallister-Killian Syndrome is a unique, diverse syndrome that raises lots of questions about care, symptoms and conditions.
Below is some information you can print and use at school, doctors offices and hospitals and for therapists, family & friends.
Information on subsequent pregnancies from Dr. Krantz
Note on life expectancy from Dr. Krantz
Clinical recommendations from Dr. Krantz.
Neurology presentation from Drs Filloux and Candee
PowerPoint Presentation: This PowerPoint is an excellent overview of Pallister-Killian Syndrome and the beginning of PKS Kids. You may print it or save it to a cd-rom (Downloading this file takes a long time, please be patient).
Family Brochure: This brochure is perfect for fundraising efforts and for those who want to know more about PKS Kids.
Traducción Española
Clinical Evaluations: This is a list of recommended clinical evaluations for children who have been diagnosed with Pallister-Killian Syndrome. It was put together by Dr. Ian Krantz, Geneticist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Each child may produce different or additional symptoms or traits so more tests/exams may be required.
Luke, Simon, Sofia: Various flyers that show the face of PKS and a brief description of Pallister-Killian Syndrome.
Overview of PKS Characteristics - Features of Pallister-Killian Syndrome
UNIQUE pamphlet - Excellent resource from UNIQUE