RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY! CHOP is doing a prenatal PKS study.
(Click to read in full) Having your child's prenatal records and all growth charts will be very helpful in our doctors creating a...
Prenatal profile of Pallister-Killian syndrome 2018
Cardiology paper February 2014
Kaur et al PKS arrays PLoSOne 2014
Candee et al PKS and Seizures AJMG 12-12
Izumi et al Dup 12p and PKS AJMG 12-12
Conlin et al SNP arrays and PKS AJMG 12-12
Kostanecka et al Development in PKS AJMG 12-12
Pallister PKS Overview AJMG 12-12
Wilkens et al PKS Clinical Overview AJMG 12-12
List of published articles and journals regarding Pallister-Killian Syndrome